Canine Arthritis Symptoms and Treatment to Help Your Dog

Written by Senior Editor Peter Gehr

If you’ve ever wondered about canine arthritis symptoms and treatment to help your dog, this article will give you 7 tips on how to recognize and identify the tell tale signs, as well as point out the possible treatments to consider for your pet. It should go without saying, but if you think that your dog is suffering from arthritis it is important to see your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Canine Arthritis Symptoms and Treatment to Help Your Dog

Canine Arthritis Symptoms and Treatment to Help Your Dog

It’s always a good practice when you are relaxing with your dog to spend some time inspecting the health of your pet’s joints for any signs of fatigue, or soreness. This can be done at any time, but it’s especially an opportune time to do it when your dog is in a calm and relaxed position. Gently checking each joint and foot by applying a small amount of pressure (carefully) to make sure that there’s no swelling or pain.

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of joint condition in dogs, but there are measures that can be taken and early detection is certainly going to be an advantage to the treatment process.

Canine Arthritis Symptoms and Treatment to Help Your Dog

So what exactly is canine arthritis, and how similar is it to the human condition?

Much like the human equivalent, canine and feline arthritis is a degenerative joint disease that can affect as many as one in five dogs and a similar amount of cats. The most common form of canine or feline arthritis is Osteoarthritis which is characterized by the progressive deterioration of joint cartridge. The continual breakdown of cartilage will eventually lead to rubbing bones which results in heightened joint pain and stiffness.

Is my dog at risk?

Though not all pets will experience arthritis, the disease itself does not discriminate based on age, breed or gender and can affect both cats and dog at any time during their life. Cats and dogs that are older, over-weight, inactive or have prior injuries may be at a higher risk for arthritis

Signs and Symptoms

If your dog is experiencing any of the following, it could be a sign that he or she may have arthritis

  1. Weight gain
  2. Unwilling/Unable to walk, run or jump up stairs
  3. Swelling around the joints
  4. Loss of appetite
  5. Listlessness/Depression
  6. Irritability
  7. Favoring one or side or a specific limb


After consulting your vet, you may be advised to utilize one or more of the following treatment methods:

  • Over-the-counter treatments
  • Medications or foods that contain Omega fatty acids, glucosamine or chondritin sulfate have been shown to assist in arthritis pain relief as well as decrease the speed at which the disease progresses.
  • Prescription Arthritis Relief
  • Some pets may require more than an over the counter treatment. Should your pet need more than an over the counter treatment, you veterinarian will work with you to determine the best drug treatment to help relieve and reduce the symptoms of arthritis.

Healthy Diet and Exercise

Weight gain can be both a cause and a symptom of pet arthritis and therefore exercise and a healthy diet can help your pet reach an ideal weight while minimizing stress on the joints. Exercise in moderation can also keep joints from becoming stiff from lack of use. Be careful not to over exert your dog, as this can cause adverse effects. Click here to visit the original source of this post

Canine arthritis symptoms and treatment to help your dog must be viewed carefully and practically. See what you can do to prevent such an issue, or perhaps you have a dog breed that is prone to the problem, in any case, a good healthy diet and regular exercise are going to play a major role in keeping your dog in shape. Dogs need exercise and were not designed to sit around on the couch all day. Running, jumping, socializing with other dogs, exerting pent up energy, playing outside and fetching are what your dog needs for well-being and mental stimulation. Remember, the life of a dog is comparatively short and it’s our responsibility to give our pets the best life we can provide. Be a good pet owner, no, be a great pet owner by giving your canine all that he/she needs for a great life.

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