Spay or Neuter Benefits: Top 10 Behavior Facts and Reasons Why

Written by Senior Editor Peter Gehr

The growing awareness of the spay or neuter benefits: top 10 behavior facts and reasons why to comply is helping pet owners come forward and take care of the needed procedure to bring about the reduction of homeless or unwanted animals in our communities.

This is an easy process, and the animal is doctored with care and the time spent recuperating is minimal, but comes with maximum benefits for everyone in the long run. There are budget sensitive programs made available and affordable surgeries have been set up in most states across the country. In fact, the ASPCA offer a mobile clinic which is often free or very lost cost.

I’m providing the link to this information for your easy reference:

ASPCA Spay or Neuter Provider Database

Spay or Neuter Benefits: Top 10 Behavior Facts and Reasons Why

If you need more persuasion, please read the top 10 benefits and facts to spay or neuter your dog below:

Spay or Neuter Benefits: Top 10 Behavior Facts and Reasons Why

Spay or Neuter Benefits: Top 10 Behavior Facts and Reasons Why

1. Your female pet will live a longer, healthier life.

Spaying helps prevent uterine infections and breast cancer, which is fatal in about 50 percent of dogs and 90 percent of cats. Spaying your pet before her first heat offers the best protection from these diseases.


2. Neutering provides major health benefits for your male.

Besides preventing unwanted litters, neutering your male companion prevents testicular cancer, if done before six months of age.


3. Your spayed female won’t go into heat.

While cycles can vary, female felines usually go into heat four to five days every three weeks during breeding season. In an effort to advertise for mates, they’ll yowl and urinate more frequently—sometimes all over the house!


4. Your male dog won’t want to roam away from home.

An intact male will do just about anything to find a mate! That includes digging his way under the fence and making like Houdini to escape from the house. And once he’s free to roam, he risks injury in traffic and fights with other males.


5. Your neutered male will be much better behaved.

Neutered cats and dogs focus their attention on their human families. On the other hand, unneutered dogs and cats may mark their territory by spraying strong-smelling urine all over the house. Many aggression problems can be avoided by early neutering.


6. Spaying or neutering will NOT make your pet fat.

Don’t use that old excuse! Lack of exercise and overfeeding will cause your pet to pack on the extra pounds—not neutering. Your pet will remain fit and trim as long as you continue to provide exercise and monitor food intake.


7. It is highly cost-effective.

The cost of your pet’s spay/neuter surgery is a lot less than the cost of having and caring for a litter. It also beats the cost of treatment when your unneutered tom escapes and gets into fights with the neighborhood stray!


8. Spaying and neutering your pet is good for the community.

Stray animals pose a real problem in many parts of the country. They can prey on wildlife, cause car accidents, damage the local fauna and frighten children. Spaying and neutering packs a powerful punch in reducing the number of animals on the streets.


9. Your pet doesn’t need to have a litter for your children to learn about the miracle of birth.

Letting your pet produce offspring you have no intention of keeping is not a good lesson for your children—especially when so many unwanted animals end up in shelters. There are tons of books and videos available to teach your children about birth in a more responsible way.


10. Spaying and neutering helps fight pet overpopulation.

Every year, millions of cats and dogs of all ages and breeds are euthanized or suffer as strays. These high numbers are the result of unplanned litters that could have been prevented by spaying or neutering. (Original article here)

Spay or neuter benefits: top 10 behavior facts and reasons why should be clear by now. The overpopulation of animal shelters is a growing concern in almost every community, and the plain and simple facts that each shelter are faced with on a daily basis results in unthinkable amounts of pets being euthanized. Please respond by taking action if you haven’t already, and play your part in helping to reduce the sad end of animals that could have otherwise lived a loved and long life.

Articles Against Puppy Mills and Cruelty to Man’s Best Friend

Written by Senior Editor Peter Gehr

Articles Against Puppy Mills and Cruelty to Man’s Best Friend

Articles Against Puppy Mills and Cruelty to Man’s Best Friend

The internet is awash with articles against puppy mills and cruelty to man’s best friend. It’s when good people unite that things begin to happen, and although it appears that there are no solid laws to stop some of these practices, if enough people speak out to their local leaders and congressmen, changes can be made. Evil abounds when good people do nothing, and although there are active movements and motivated individuals out there, it’s the changes in law, both on the Federal and State levels that will force these cruel practices to be put to an end.

Imagine your family pet caged for life, breeding in a wire cage like a caged hen laying eggs. Unthinkable isn’t it? Well that’s exactly what happens to these poor animals, and according to existing Federal and State laws, the definition of “puppy mill” is a little grey and herein lies the problem of enforcing laws to prohibit such a practice.

As strange as this may sound, the following article on the ASPCA website outlines the dilemma.

However, I don’t see why it’s so hard to define what a puppy mill is, and we all know what it is, so why complicate the definition!?

I would agree with the Wikipedia definition of puppy mill:

A puppy mill, sometimes known as a puppy farm, is a commercial facility that is operated with an emphasis upon profits above animal welfare and is often in substandard conditions regarding the well-being of dogs in their care.

A legal definition for the term “puppy mill” was established in Avenson v. Zegart in 1984: “a dog breeding operation in which the health of the dogs is disregarded in order to maintain a low overhead and maximize profits.”

Articles Against Puppy Mills and Cruelty to Man’s Best Friend

While the ASPCA defines a puppy mill as “a large-scale commercial dog breeding operation where profit is given priority over the well-being of the dogs,” there is no official definition of “puppy mill” in the legal world. This is one of the reasons why it has been so difficult to create laws that crack down on puppy mills. Also, it’s important to note that the commercial breeding of dogs is regulated on the federal level and on the state level—but only in some states.

Furthermore, some commercial breeders who sell directly to the public—including those who sell puppies online—fall into a large regulatory loophole. The federal government doesn’t require them to be licensed, as it considers these breeders “retailers,” and thus the responsibility of the state—but states often categorize these operations as being primarily “breeders,” not retailers. The result is that no one regulates these facilities. There are no inspections, no standards that they are required to meet and no consequences for providing inadequate care. As Internet purchases of puppies increase, more and more breeders are using this loophole to get around regulation and inspection. Lack of enforcement by the USDA and state departments of agriculture means thousands of dogs are left to suffer in inadequate and inhumane conditions.

The laws discussed below, which concern puppy mill-related standards and rules, are civil laws—they are distinct from animal cruelty laws, which are criminal laws. For clarity, a similar application of civil law is how restaurants are regulated by their state’s health department. Restaurants that violate health codes can be cited, just like commercial kennels that violate kennel standards.

Federal Laws

The Animal Welfare Act

The Animal Welfare Act (AWA), a federal law passed in 1966, regulates certain animal activities, including commercial dog and cat breeding. The AWA defines the minimum standards of care for dogs, cats and certain other species of animals bred for commercial resale and exhibition. It also requires that certain commercial breeders be licensed and routinely inspected by the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA). However, violations regularly go unpunished, and there are innumerable loopholes and faults within the current system. For example, only animal-breeding businesses considered “wholesale” operations—those that sell animals to stores for resale—are overseen by the USDA. The AWA does not apply to facilities that sell directly to the public, including the thousands that now do so via the Internet (Original story here)

With enough articles against puppy mills and cruelty to man’s best friend to indicate the general public’s outrage you would think that we could do more to stop this inhumane treatment of innocent animals. When you consider how sinister this practice has become, and with a commercial mindset at the forefront in the minds of these dog breeders, you’d think it would be a no-brainer to ban such ill-treatment. Voice your concerns to local authorities and question the origin of puppies in the pet store, or if you plan on purchasing online. Research the background of the breeder and refuse to buy pets from puppy mills.