Best Puppy Obedience Training Tips for All Dog Breeds

Written by Senior Editor Peter Gehr

Best Puppy Obedience Training Tips for All Dog Breeds

Best Puppy Obedience Training Tips for All Dog Breeds

So you want to know the best puppy obedience training tips for all dog breeds? The very first steps should be taken immediately. In other words, your dog is ready for training from day one. One of the smartest dogs I ever owned learned to sit, stay, heel and fetch the day after he was weaned by his mother. It was astounding, but he was so obedient, and wanted to please so badly, that he was a natural and took on anything I wanted to teach him.

Make sure everyone around the dog understands the rules, and the program you adopt for training. A puppy can be untrained as quick as he can be trained if double-standard are brought into the equation. Furthermore, this will confuse and create insecurity for your new puppy.

Best Puppy Obedience Training Tips for All Dog Breeds

The following article expounds on this expansive topic:

Puppy obedience training should start as soon as you get the puppy. Your puppy should be educated so that you can enjoy a good long-term relationship. Obedience training can start as soon as the puppy reaches 4 to 6 weeks of age. Learning the rules of the house takes a lot of work and patience. The puppy training is much more efficient if you set a schedule for you and your puppy.

Puppy Obedience Training Schedule

Before you start training your puppy you should make a plan considering the best training method for you and your dog.

The plan involves setting some goals, establishing what behaviors you want to eliminate, the means of reinforcing positive behavior you will use and the training schedule.

You should start with short sessions which should repeat several times a day. For instance, you can establish the length of your training session to be of 10 to 15 minutes and repeat it 2 or 3 times a day. The puppy’s attention span won’t allow longer sessions. Even in some mature dogs it is difficult to make them stay focused longer.

You should not interrupt your puppy when he is performing an activity he likes because you might not get his attention. Try to schedule training sessions at regular intervals so that your puppy gets accustomed to the schedule. Dogs get used to habits easily, so it should not be too difficult to get your puppy accustomed with the training sessions.

Repetition is the key in puppy training. Repeat the same exercise until your puppy does it correctly. Stop when you get the result you wanted. This way, your puppy will see a reward in successfully accomplishing the task.

Planning the Lessons

When scheduling your puppy training, plan the lessons you intend to teach him. You should start with basic commands and teach the same command for several sessions if needed. It is important that your puppy learns the command. The easiest to learn is ‘sit’. Then you can move on to ‘stay’, ‘lie down’ and ‘come’.

Teach one command at a time. It is easier for your puppy to learn if you focus on a specific action. However, you can make a command more complex. For instance, when teaching ‘stay’, you can move away from your puppy and teach him that he should stay even if you are away from him.

Make sure you start the training session when you have your puppy’s full attention. If he is playing with his favorite toy or with another animal, your ‘come’ command will sooner be interpreted as ‘ignore’ and he is most likely to ignore it.

It is important that your puppy obeys the basic commands before he learns more complex tricks. Click here to visit the original source of this post

With the best puppy obedience training tips for all dog breeds in place in your household, you will be amazed at what can be accomplished if you spend the time with your new dog. These early development days are critical to his/her education and establishment within your “pack”. The dog will be rapidly growing physically and education is paramount to a successfully trained and happy puppy. To neglect this part of your pet’s life will cause problems that will develop quickly and you may soon have a monster on your hands if you don’t train. It’s your responsibility to take the place of your puppy’s mother, who taught your pup lessons from the day it was born. Cesar Millan is a great advocate of thinking as a dog thinks, and treating your dog as a dog and not as a human. I totally agree with this approach to help your dog learn to the best of his ability.

Best Puppy Advice on How to Stop Jumping on People

Written by Peter Gehr Senior Editor

Best Puppy Advice on How to Stop Jumping on People

Best Puppy Advice on How to Stop Jumping on People

People often ask me how do to train your puppy not to jump on visitors. This is a common problem and one that should be dealt with to stop this bad habit. The best puppy advice on how to stop jumping on people starts with consistency on your part.

My recommendation is to not allow this sort of behavior in your puppy, and let them know this is unacceptable. First of all, when you have been out of the house for the day, and you return to an excited dog, my remedy has always been to be calm about your arrival and not to stir up to situation with exuberance.

As much as you may want to reciprocate the enthusiasm, if you allow this to happen, you will be cultivating a situation that will spill over onto every visitor to your home, and no one wants to be greeted at the door by a dog jumping all over them. This is especially true for someone who may not be comfortable around dogs, or someone who may be carrying a plate of food, a child, or be elderly and already unsteady on their feet.

Best Puppy Advice on How to Stop Jumping on People

Dog whisperer, Cesar Millan advises to:

Establish yourself as pack leader.

When a dog doesn’t have a clear pack leader, she tries to fill the vacant role, usually to disastrous results (for the owner and for the dog!) The pack leader leads by projecting a calm-assertive energy.

Don’t shower your dog with affection when you walk through the door.

This kind of attention is wonderful for a human child, but not for a dog. Remember dogs are animals, and the kindest thing you can do is to treat your dog like a dog and communicate in a way he’ll understand.

Correct bad behavior.

The dog’s mom, the ultimate pack leader, would never tolerate inappropriate activity. If she sees something she doesn’t like, she stops it by moving the puppy out of the way in a calm-assertive manner. The puppy learns an important boundary from the lesson, and her firm and unambiguous leadership balances the puppy’s submissive role in the pack.

When your guests arrive, ask your dog to sit patiently.

Your dog will follow your commands when he respects you as his pack leader. Remember, the animal pack leader doesn’t negotiate to get what he or she wants.

You can’t be a leader only some of the time.

Leadership is forever; inconsistency triggers confusion and anxiety in a dog. Animal pack leaders never waver from their leadership role, and neither should you! (Original article here)

The best puppy advice on how to stop jumping on people is to get your whole family to agree to cooperate. This is crucial to the success of overcoming the problem. Simply do not allow the behavior, and calmly enter your home to portray to your pet that excitable conduct is not part of the deal of being a member of your family.

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Best Puppy Allergies Treatment and Skin Care Tips

Written by Senior Editor Peter Gehr

Best Puppy Allergies Treatment and Skin Care Tips

Best Puppy Allergies Treatment and Skin Care Tips

As pet owners, we are responsible for the health and care of our little companions, and being aware of the best puppy allergies treatment and skin care tips can be extremely useful. In fact, your knowledge of animal husbandry, even just the very basics, can help you determine any changes in your pet’s normal behavior which may be the result of an allergy or skin problem.

Much the same as human skin, your dog’s skin is susceptible to different influences such as from food, the type of material the collar is made of, the blanket your pet sleeps on, the shampoo you use (or don’t use). There are numerous variations that may contribute to an allergic reaction in your pet, but basic prevention, and a little information can help you avoid these issues.

Best Puppy Allergies Treatment and Skin Care Tips

One of the world’s leading dog experts, Cesar Millan, writes:

Here are some tips on how to identify various skin care issues and dog allergies.

When treating skin, you must be very organized and systematic. First you must eliminate secondary infections. These can be bacterial, yeast, or parasites. They can be treated with antibiotics, antifungal shampoos, and, if you are in a part of the country with fleas, (look for itching at the base of the tail) flea control products. Often it is a good idea to get a skin scrape to rule out mange (not so common in adults, but easier to treat than allergies). Quite often Prednisone is used during this phase for short-term control of the itch, but it should be used for only a short period of time.

Dog allergies fall into 3 categories:


  • Inhalant
  • Food
  • Contact

The few of them that are year-round can only be detected by skin testing at a dermatologist. Contact dog allergies can be more year-round, and it may be worth changing your laundry soap or eliminating any wool blankets.

Food allergies tend to have several things in common:

They happen year-round, they don’t always completely go away with prednisone, they tend to be feet and ears, and they start very young in life. To diagnose a food allergy, you feed a hypoallergenic food exclusively for 6-10 weeks. If the itch goes away, it is a food allergy. If not, there is likely another dog allergy (unless there is still some infection present).

Inhaled dog allergies are the hardest to control. There is allergy testing available, just like in humans. It is long and complex, but sometimes gives us a piece of the puzzle or even a treatment plan. Most people control these with medications. Prednisone is usually very effective and cheap, but it prematurely ages a dog so shouldn’t be given long-term. Antihistamines are very safe and can be used long-term, but are often not extremely effective.

I would recommend trying multiple antihistamines as they can work differently in different dogs. Cyclosporine is becoming a very popular method of controlling the symptoms of dog allergies. It is relatively safe long-term and is very effective.

I would recommend discussing all your options with your veterinarian. (Full story here)

One of the best puppy allergies treatment and skin care tips is to know what works and what does not work for your dog. An awareness of the symptoms of allergies and regular inspection of your pet can provide preventative measures to ensure your puppy is maintaining with good healthy practices and habits. Providing your pooch with clean bedding is also a good idea, as this is where he spends a lot of time, and uninspected or dirty bedding can harbor the microscopic pests that can lead to allergies. It’s all about care and consistency and with minimal effort you will generally most likely avoid such issues.

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Best Puppy Training Guide: Be a Good Pack Leader

Written by Senior Editor Peter Gehr

Best Puppy Training Guide: Be a Good Pack Leader

Best Puppy Training Guide: Be a Good Pack Leader

When I get asked what’s the best puppy training guide: be a good pack leader is always the first piece of advice I offer. You are the Alpha to your puppy, and he/she looks to you for guidance, instruction, protection, care and security. Just like the leader of a wolf pack, the subordinate dogs respect and follow their top dog and this loyalty and connection is a natural instinct instilled in all breeds of dog.

Whether you have an adorable little Shih Tzu or a massive Great Dane, puppies need you to be their leader, their Alpha.

Being a good pack leader is imperative for the mental well-being of your puppy, and this leadership is essential to maintain at all times. If this structure is not in place in the life of your pet, is when obedience issues and problem behavioral patterns emerge.

Best Puppy Training Guide: Be a Good Pack Leader

Cesar Millan says,

In 2011, I couldn’t have been more proud of Junior. We’ve traveled the world together, teaching thousands of people how they can be better pack leaders for their dogs with Junior demonstrating what it means to be calm-submissive.

Every time we do a show together, people come up to me and tell me that they would never have believed a pit bull could be so sweet, friendly, and well-behaved. And I can’t tell you how many have told me that they had never considered adopting a power breed because they thought they were scary and unsafe. But Junior changed their minds.

When the only images you see of pit bulls on the news are pit bulls who attack or are involved in fighting rings or as guard dogs for gangsters and drug dealers, it’s no wonder people are afraid. Junior has delivered the message that it isn’t the dog that’s the problem, it’s the human. And people are listening.

I hope in 2012 I can continue to introduce people to dogs like Junior, and inspire them not to pass by the power breeds or the older and injured dogs that fill our animal shelters. They need your love and your care and want to give it in return. Click here to visit the original source of this post

So, the best puppy training guide: be a good pack leader and be a responsible and caring pet owner by giving your dog what he needs to feel part of your family, part of your pack, and, most importantly, make sure that your dog is not the head of the pack as this will throw him off balance and create havoc for you and your home. Lovingly care for your dog by supporting the natural instincts to follow the pack leader.

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