Best Puppy Training Advice and Resolutions for the New Year

Written by Senior Editor Peter Gehr

Best Puppy Training Advice and Resolutions for the New Year

Best Puppy Training Advice and Resolutions for the New Year

If you want some of the best puppy training advice and resolutions for the New Year there are several points to cover to keep your pooch happy and healthy. It should go without saying, but I’m going to say it anyway: what goes in your pet’s mouth has a lot to do with his/her wellbeing, and a dog is a dog—not a human being.

You’d be amazed at some of the foods that are actually detrimental to your dog’s health, and that innocent or fun snack you think is hilarious to feed your pet, could very well make them sick or be fatal.

Avocado, tea or coffee, ice cream, and chocolate are just a few of the foods that can be extremely dangerous if fed to your puppy. Although it might be cute to watch your dog chow down his favorite ice cream, just be warned that it is unnatural and unhealthy with potentially life-threatening consequences.

Best Puppy Training Advice and Resolutions for the New Year

Pat Summers writing for New Jersey Pets says:

Protect your pet – from unfriendly animals, over-enthusiastic little kids, harmful plants, other dangers of all kinds. Consider microchipping in addition to a collar and ID tag. Keep accurate medical records and “vet your pet” as needed.

Train her/him. A puppy that jumps on people can be cute; a full grown dog that does that can be a menace. House training isn’t an option, it’s a necessity. Barking whenever and wherever isn’t acceptable. Begging is never so. Start training early and be consistent.

Respect your pet’s individuality. With more than one pet, don’t announce or play favorites. Cultivate (safe) idiosyncrasies and enjoy differing personalities. Don’t expect or build robo-dogs or cats.

Assure daily quality time for each pet. This means your undivided attention to them, not idly petting while doing something else, not giving treats in lieu of caring, not using your cell phone while walking your dog. Give them time and attention, your two most precious gifts.

Feed pets well, on pet food only, on time. Exceptions should be rare and still be safe – so, never chocolate, never raisins. This is harder for you to do than it is for your pets. If they don’t learn to know “people food,” they won’t miss it.

Groom your pet. You like to look your best; let your pet(s) enjoy that feeling too. Bathe, brush, comb and clip nails and claws – are we forgetting anything else?

Reinforce pets’ sense of trust. Don’t play tricks or scare or spring new rules on your dog or cat. At all times, you are your pets’ protector – never the person they need to watch out for or guard against. (Full story here)

These are just a few pointers for best puppy training advice and resolutions for the New Year, and add some of your own to this list. Much the same as with children, giving of your time to your pet is the best gift. Offering quality exercise and play time with your puppy will strengthen the bond and build that relationship that makes having a pet so special.

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