5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Let Your Dog Lick Your Face

Are Dog Kisses Ok?Most of us think it’s cute and adorable for your dog to give you kisses, even directly on your mouth. In fact, dogs do thrive on giving and receiving affection as it’s a huge part of their appeal and is what makes them our best friends.

But, is it okay to let your pet slather you with dog kisses?

Enduring a blast of dog breath to allow your dog to lick your face, may not be as cute as you think.

By allowing your dog to do this can open the door to disease and, believe it or not, in extreme cases can also be fatal.

And, the most alarming realization is that those at the highest end of the risk spectrum are: children.

Mind you, if your dog has constantly bad breath, it may be due to some other health issue and may need close attention. There are a couple of great products that I regularly use to keep this under control.

I’ve always been of the opinion that it’s not a good idea to let your dog do this. Why? Well, even the purest of dog will take a chance at licking the trash can, other dog butts, his/her own private parts, poop and a host of undesirables too long to list here.

A professor of virology and bacteriology, John Oxford explains that a dog’s mouth harbors a number of bacteria that can be seriously harmful to humans.

Oxford explains that, “It is not just what is carried in saliva. Dogs spend half their life with their noses in nasty corners – or hovering over dog droppings so their muzzles are full of bacteria, viruses and germs of all sorts.”

The list of diseases that can be transmitted by a smooch from your pooch is actually quite alarming and you may want to think twice before you allow your dog to lick lavish you next time you walk in the door.

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Let Your Dog Lick Your Face

1. Gum Disease

Periodontis, an acute form of gum disease causes the degradation of tooth supporting tissue. Research shows that dog owners with close contact with their pets are likely to be exposed to germs that are otherwise harmless to your dog.

2. Capnocytophaga Canimorsus

An organism carried in the mouths of dogs, and it causes a very bad sepsis infection. Symptoms range from mild fevers, vomiting, diarrhoea, malaise, abdominal pain, myalgia, confusion, dyspnoea, headaches, and skin rashes to full-blown fulminant septicaemia.

This is an organism active within your dog’s mouth and can cause a serious case of fulminant septicaemia, fever, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, dyspnoea, mylagia, headaches, skin irritation, malaise and inflammation.

3. Staphylococcus Aureus

The US National Library of Medicine reports that Staph can be passed from dog to human. Most of the time you dog can safely carry this virus without it affecting their health, but transferred to a human can have life-threatening consequences. Furthermore, this is a disease that is developing a resistance to medication and treatment.

4. Ringworm, or Dermatophytosis

This fungal infection is the most commonly and easily transferrable bacteria from pooch to person.

5. Ecoli

Causes abdominal cramps, fever and vomiting.

“If your pooch is a scavenger, then a canine lick on the lips could jeopardize your health. The half-eaten hot dog your dog found on the street — or the feces he was nibbling on — could be loaded with germs and bacteria such as toxocara, salmonella, giardia, hookworm, tapeworm and many others, putting your family’s health at risk.” Dr. Oz.

Top 10 Reasons to Adopt a Dog from an Animal Shelter

Written by Senior Editor Peter Gehr

Top 10 Reasons to Adopt a Dog from an Animal Shelter

Top 10 Reasons to Adopt a Dog from an Animal Shelter

If you’re wondering how to choose a dog from a shelter, these tips will give you some of the necessary basics to help you make the right decision when choosing a rescue dog.

1. You can find the best rescue dog for kids—or for any situation.

Chances are that a shelter dog is already fully grown, or close to it. Therefore, you see exactly what size you’re dealing with. A cute little puppy doesn’t stay small for long, and it’s a lot more work dealing with an infant dog who requires your full-time attention.

2. Be a life-saver for a dog.

Adopting a dog will most certainly be saving his or her life. Dogs do not stay in a shelter forever. In fact, there’s a constant turnover to make room for the new. Unfortunately, many perfectly lovable dogs are put down each year.

3. Rescue dogs for sale. Save money!

A shelter dog (rescue dog) will be in tip top health. Shelters check their dogs and often take care of vaccinations, spaying and neutering etc. Therefore, you will not have to pay for these expensive procedures. Buying a dog from a put store will cost you a lot more, and you soon have to foot the bill for shots and necessary vet visitations.

4. Taking on a rescue dog can be tremendously rewarding and creates a bond for your whole family.

Knowing that you’ve saved a dog’s life is an extremely rewarding experience. Enjoy it, and let the feeling of accomplishment be a hallmark of your family’s character.


Top 10 Reasons to Adopt a Dog from an Animal Shelter


5. Pre-trained dogs.

It’s likely that your rescue dog will be fully trained and will save you from the carpet stains, obedience classes, hyperactive behavior, and full-time care that comes with training a puppy. This is a huge advantage.

6. Dog’s personality revealed from the start.

It’s quite difficult to determine the personality of a new puppy. A shelter dog will give you the opportunity to study and decide what sort of canine persona you are looking for. Take the time to interact with the dogs, and it’s almost guaranteed you will find one that will suit your own personality.

7. Help fight overpopulation of dogs in your neighborhood.

If you have any idea as to how many pets are euthanized each year in the United States, it should be enough to get your attention. If you are a pet lover, and it’s obvious that you are, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this, getting involved in reducing the number of dogs bred irresponsibly will make a difference.

8. Talk to the animal shelter staff.

Each pet is known by the shelter staff, and these details will be critical in helping you get a head start on the history of the dog, as well has personality, health, advantages and disadvantages. This sort of information will be of great benefit. Don’t be afraid to ask, as the people at your shelter love animals and will be more than happy to help you with input.

9. Dog owner support.

Animal shelters are full of people who are full of information. You will not find this anywhere else. Knowledgeable advice isn’t cheap, but if you purchase from an animal rescue center, you will tap into a support system that would otherwise not exist if you purchase a puppy from a pet store.

10. Relieve stress out of pet ownership.

Let’s face it; a puppy is a lot of work. Granted, it’s yours from the beginning and you imprint from the very start of the dog’s life. However, you also have a lot of effort before you and the amount of time you’ll need to invest in this stage of your pet’s life is a huge sacrifice. Give an already existing dog a chance at life by considering what he/she can do to save your time and money.

I hope these top 10 reasons to adopt a dog from a shelter will help you in the decision-making process. Taking a pet into your home will have its consequences, and making the right choice will make this transition and introduction a better experience for all involved—especially for the dog.

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Why Do Dogs Love People So Much?

Written by a Dog named Bud

Why Do Dogs Love People So Much

Why Do Dogs Love People So Much? Photo by: Sivash Ghaszvinian

I sit here on the porch thinking about the past 12 months, and it’s been a good year. I’m constantly in love, so what more can I ask of life? I have no vices; I’ve committed no crime; somebody waits on me hand and foot — and hey, I’ve even got someone who picks up my poop!

When mommy and daddy come home each day, I’m just so happy to see them I can barely contain myself.

I am truly blessed.

Why Do Dogs Love People So Much?

I’ve heard that when families break up, they sometimes get a pet to replace the husband or wife. I’ve always figured that’s because they want someone to love them unconditionally — no arguments, no complaints, and no disappointments. We dogs, we can do that—it’s our gift.

This love that we have is within us from birth. It’s not something we learn; it’s inside our hearts. Yes, it grows and develops much the same as any other emotion, but our mission is to show this emotion outwardly and with enthusiasm.

I honor and respect my home and family forever.

I don’t lie, cheat or pretend I’m something I’m not. My lot is to be a shining light at any given time.

I have no thoughts of longing nor a sense of yearning for better things, for things couldn’t get any better for me because not only am I in love, but I am loved.

I walk, run, jump, play and live with the most beautiful humans in the world. They are my appointment, my pack, where my loyalty reigns supreme.

When I was a young pup, I thought I must have been the luckiest dog in the world, but when I met other dogs at the beach, the parks, or on walks, I soon found out that all dogs consider themselves the luckiest dogs in the world.

We all feel we are richly endowed with care and affection.

We are fed, provided for and revered by our masters.

We learn tricks to make them happy; we are sometimes dressed like idiots to make them happy. However, the irony of it all lies in the fact that if we are able to make them happy, then this brings immense happiness to us.

Dogs everywhere are bent on doing whatever it takes to show love, and if dressing like Spiderman does it, then we canines are in.

Life is short, and our lives are even shorter than yours. Waste no time to share love. Waste no time to give affection. Waste no time to jump for joy and let the world know you’re alive and doing your best.

When you give your heart to us, it’s usually because we’ve already given our heart to you. That’s okay, though, because we’re always first to reveal our true, honest and pure intentions. When you ask, “Why do dogs love people so much?” just remember: This is our role; this is our calling and our quest.

We dogs bring healing to the sick, a smile to the sad, purpose to the lonely, companionship, love and fun to all.

These are my thoughts and aspirations as I look across the yard at the family I have grown up with. This is why I’m constantly in love, so what more can I ask of life?

Please share my story with your friends on Facebook. Woof!

(Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved. Story belongs solely to bestpuppypost.com and senior editor Peter Gehr).

Rescue Dogs Find New Home

Written by Senior Editor Peter Gehr

We all love a good story, and that is why I want to tell this particular heart-warming one.

Rescue Dogs Find New Home. Pearla the Samoyed. Photo by Peter Gehr

Rescue dogs are of particular interest to me, and this is not only because I’m a dog lover, but I’m also very intrigued by the people who adopt dogs and the reasons why they chose their dog from the animal shelter.

In most cases, it’s life or death for the dog, and timing is of the essence when it comes to finding a home or not finding a home.

The fact of the matter is, some of these dogs simply don’t get a chance at life, love and family for reasons far beyond their control.

Rescue Dogs Find New Home

This is a story about Jez and Pearla.

Jez is a Lab-cross, and Pearla a Samoyed.

Jez had been adopted from a rescue shelter several years ago by a young family who simply fell in love with him at first site. Jez is now around 13 years old and has had a loving, active and well-cared-for life. Once he passes, this young family will retain a beautiful memory of a sweet-spirited, fun-loving pet whose life could have ended much more abruptly had this kind-hearted family not stepped forward to offer a home.

Rescue Dogs Find New Home. Jez the Lab-Cross. Photo by Peter Gehr

Knowing that Jez is showing signs of aging and his rich life will soon come to an end, this same family realized that another canine companion would be a comfort for him as well as an addition to their collection of pets (which includes 5 cats) and to help soften the blow of losing Jez when that day comes around. Good plan.

Upon arrival at the animal shelter, and with full intention of adopting another dog, Pearla attracted their attention from the get-go. Pearla had only been left at the shelter for 5 days and seemed to be fully focused on impressing this kind family with her antics, love and adorable disposition.

It was an easy choice and from that day on, Pearla has brought nothing but joy and happiness to both old Jez and the rest of the family.

To add to this great rescue story, the family has since moved abroad and is living on the other side of the world—along with Jez and Pearla.

Just think: These two extremely fortunate dogs went from being someone else’s burden to someone else’s blessing, and have found themselves in a well-deserved and loving environment.

Rescue dogs find new home: Jez and Pearla’s story moved me, and gave me a sense of happiness to have met them and shared a moment with them, and, most of all, to connect with a family who are overjoyed by the fact that they have made a major contribution to the longevity of these precious canines.

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Top 10 Tips On How to Stop a Dog Pooping in Your Yard

Written by Senior Editor Peter Gehr

Top 10 Tips on How to Stop a Dog Pooping in Your Yard

Top 10 Tips on How to Stop a Dog Pooping in Your Yard

This is a subject that stinks, and, if you’re faced with dealing with it, I’ve compiled a list of the top 10 tips on how to stop a dog pooping in your yard. These tips are the result of talking to friends and neighbors, veterinarians, and gleaning the internet for useful and practical tips to help train your dog, or train your neighbors’ dog to do his business elsewhere.

If you are a dog owner, hopefully you already have an established regimen set up for your dog’s elimination needs. If someone in your neighborhood has a dog that habitually poops in your yard, on your lawn, or in some cases, right near the front step of your home or office, then this needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.

As per most issues with pets, this is not the dog’s fault. The dog is not maliciously dumping on your porch because he dislikes you. In his mind, it’s a matter of “when you gotta go, you gotta go,” and if he has not been trained or overseen when the call of nature arises, then this is the sole problem of the dog owner.

I’m going to first cite an example by telling you my story: I live in a condo and the entrance into the building is shared by 20 other condominiums. The courtyard is large and wide and allows for ample parking and entrance into each private garage. The front doors all face onto the courtyard/driveway. Several of our neighbors have dogs, and, for some reason, one of the dogs developed the habit of doing his early morning bowel movement right in front of my garage. It seemed like he picked the same spot every day, and it was early morning when no one was awake to catch the culprit in the act.

Rather than confronting all the dog owners in my neighborhood I wrote to the Body Corporate management. I also included a paragraph excerpted from the council bylaws in relation to dogs defecating in public and private property. I worded my complaint with humor, candor and also included a photo of a steaming feces.

The Body Corporate administrator sent a warning to all the dog owners pointing out that a fine will be incurred upon any dog owner allowing their pet to poop in the courtyard, and that complaints had been submitted.

The monetary “bite” seemed to get the attention of the responsible pooper, and problem solved.

To passively reinforce my request, I also sprinkled granules over the entire area in front of my garage door, and, so far, so good. I’ve re-sprinkled once each week and it definitely seems to work well.

Your situation may be entirely different, and this is why I’ve done some research to help you find a solution to pooping pooches.

Review on How to Potty Train a Puppy Video


Top 10 Tips On How to Stop a Dog Pooping in Your Yard

  1. Post a Sign. This will display to the offender that you are aware of the problem, and that you are taking steps to at least show your neighbor that you do not approve of your yard being a dog toilet. “Please Curb Your Dog” is a good one. You can also add the name of a security company to show that your yard may be monitored (even if it really isn’t). Try to find a professionally made sign. Responses to “home-made” signs can be negative.
  2. Odors Dog’s Dislike. Citrus oil, white vinegar, moth balls, or ammonia can be used to deter dogs. You will just have to be careful with these as they are not plant or grass friendly when they dissolve. Generally speaking, dogs also dislike the smell of garlic, pepper, chili, and even a soapy spray has been known to discourage dogs. Slow release odor granules are also available to either garden centers or pet stores.
  3. Gate, or fence. A fully fenced property simply keeps out unwanted dogs.
  4. Change Fertilizer: If you are using an animal based fertilizer on your lawn, chances are that the dog is responding to these odors and is attracted to your yard because of the organic matter on your lawn. A dog’s sensory perception is so incredibly acute that it may be able to smell it for miles.
  5. Sprinklers: Chances are that the offending dog is turning up at the same time each day. Program your sprinkler system to be on during that time, or, if the lawn is already wet, this will also act as an effective deterrent.
  6. Motion Sensor: Motion activated sprinkler systems can be a great choice. The dog will trigger the sensors and surprise the dog pre-poop, and will imprint a bad memory for the animal to stay away.
  7. Rosemary: Dogs dislike rosemary and this is a reasonably fast growing and pleasant looking plant.
  8. Plant Barriers: Roses or any thorny or course plants (such as holly) could be considered, but this is more of a long-term plan.
  9. Commercial Repellants: Sprays are available from your favorite pet store, and can be sprayed on pathways or garden edges.
  10. Eucalyptus and Tea Tree Oil: Make up a solution of eucalyptus oil or tea tree oil and spray it around the perimeter of your garden. Dogs detest this smell, and this could be enough to keep the animal away from your home.

I hope these top 10 tips on how to stop a dog pooping in your yard are a help in resolving this issue for you and your family. Remember, it’s not really the dog’s fault, and the dog owner should have better control over his dog. It’s quite possible that simply approaching the owner of the dog and communicating the problem will be the best solution, but this may not always be practical or possible.

If you want to try something natural, here’s a product called I Must Garden Dog and Cat Repellent Granules that is environmentally responsible.

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Best Puppy Pet Supplies Cheap Deal

If you get in quick, there’s a great deal going on for just a few short days at PetSmart.

You’ll save 15% by shopping for your puppy.

Best Puppy Pet Supplies Cheap Deal

Friends & Family: Save 15% On Your Entire Purchase at PetSmart.com! Enter Code 9FF15 at Checkout. Plus, $4.99 Shipping on Orders of $49+! Offer Valid 9/20 – 9/23.

Bret Michaels Pets Rock Line are available at PetSmart


Share this with your friends and neighbors on Facebook, but you’ll have to hurry as it only lasts until September 23rd.

Canine Assistance for Achieving Independence

Written by Senior Editor Peter Gehr

Canine Assistance for Achieving Independence

Canine Assistance for Achieving Independence

I’ve just finished watching a video that I’d recommend for every dog lover on the planet. In fact, I’d recommend it for any caring, compassionate individuals who want to either see people being helped by service dogs, or to participate in canine assistance for achieving independence.

If you’ve ever had a dog, you know that they have natural intuitions that are special and even inexplicable. Our furry friends have an amazing ability to sense our feelings of joy and sadness, sickness and health, natural calamities, and an uncanny instinct to perceive instances long before they happen.

I recently met an elderly woman who told me about how her neighbors dog helped save her life by waking up his owner and to alert them of this woman having fallen badly on the bathroom floor at 2am in the morning. She had apparently gotten up for “nature’s call” and decided not to use her walker and consequently fell backwards, striking her head on the bathroom floor. She managed to pull herself to the bedside and reach for her phone, but the batteries had died and the emergency buzzer to call for medical help was out of reach on the kitchen table.

Canine Assistance for Achieving Independence. A Dog Could Be the Answer for You or Your Loved One.

This video below is well worth watching and if you love dogs and love people, it’s a must see. Victoria Stilwell interviews director of Canine Assistants, Jennifer Arnold, director and author of “In a Dog’s Heart” and takes you into the lives of service dogs and their owners.

In a great deal of pain, Sally decided the only thing she could do was to use the phone to tap on the wall of the apartment as she lie there on the floor with broken ribs and bleeding head. She had little strength to make much noise by tapping on the wall, but her hope was that someone would hear it.

However, no one but the neighbors dog could hear the light tapping on the other side of the wall, but he sensed that something was wrong and that Sally needed help.

Incessant barking finally woke the neighbors who noted their dog barking at the wall. They went next door to find Sally in a serious condition and called for medical help.

It’s moments like these that one has to acknowledge the special powers of sensitivity that dogs possess, and to harness this ability is exactly what the people at Canine Assistants do. Based in Atlanta, Georgia, this non-profit organization has developed techniques to provide canine assistance for achieving independence for all sorts of needs. People with physical disabilities, problems with seizures, and many other special needs are provided with dogs, (primarily Golden Retrievers and Labradors), to help them in their everyday lives.

Purchase your copy of “In a Dog’s Heart” or, “Through a Dog’s Eyes” to help support this worthy cause.

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Top 10 Tips on Training Your Dog on a Treadmill

Written by Senior Editor Peter Gehr

Top 10 Tips on Training Your Dog on a Treadmill

Top 10 Tips on Training Your Dog on a Treadmill

Let me tell you a story: My neighbor has an energetic Jack Russell who is so lively and active that he spends a lot of time bouncing like a ball next to his owner, Sandra, who works from home. Although Sandra takes Angus for a walk each day at the local park, she is unable to fully provide the amount of exercise for him, due to her work commitments and time restraints. I talked to her about the advantages of indoor training for her pooch, and I’ve compiled these top 10 tips on training your dog on a treadmill from the advice I offered Sandra.

To this day, Angus seems much happier and stimulated both physically and mentally from his time “at the home gym” and the treadmill has proven to be a great supplement to his existing exercise schedule.

Top 10 Tips on Training Your Dog on a Treadmill

1. Positive experience

It’s imperative to be sure you take the time to introduce your dog to the treadmill, and take it slowly. Dog Whisperer Cesar Millan suggests that you could even place your pets food or water on the platform to help make it a nice place to be.

2. Treats

Use his favorite treats to encourage him to step up onto the treadmill

3. Leash

Use a leash as an aid to guiding him from the back of the treadmill—which is where you’d approach it each time you use it.

4. Naturally uncomfortable, fearful

Please realize that this equipment and a “moving floor” will be completely unnatural and uncomfortable for your dog. Ensure that you have his full confidence and have him “in the zone” when on the machine. Avoid any fearful behavior so that it becomes an enjoyable experience.

5. Noise of machine

Introduce your pet to the sound of the machine, i.e. the beeps of the controls and the whirring of the treadmill in action, and reward him for his composure.

6. Steady the dog if anxious

Once your dog is comfortable with standing on the machine, at a low speed, introduce the treadmill with your pet on a leash and move him forward to the center of the platform. Steady him with your hands if necessary.

7. Repeat when successful

As soon as your pet has done well on the treadmill for a few short minutes, take him off and repeat the whole procedure to reinforce the “fun” aspect of the exercise.

8. Slowly introduce faster speeds

Do not force your dog, or expect him to trot or run on the machine. Take time to build up to comfortable and manageable speeds. You are not trying to train him for the Olympics, but rather introducing him to a steady and comfortable pace.

9. Do not leave your dog alone on the treadmill

NEVER leave your dog alone on any sort of equipment. Be sure you are close by to assure your pet, as well as being there to monitor progress.

10. Don’t overdo it

Build up to a reasonable time-frame of perhaps 15 to 20 minutes. Depending on the size of your dog, and the breed, you may want to come up with a standard that is appropriate and achievable for your pooch.

3 Dachshund Dogs on a Treadmill Having Fun!

The main reason for introducing a treadmill to your dog’s exercise regimen is to ensure that you are providing enough exercise for your pet. Let’s face it, unless you are very active and have the time to walk and run your dog at least once a day, then your dog will not be getting what he needs to stay healthy, fit, and mentally challenged.

You may be in a situation where a treadmill becomes an ideal way of giving your dog the necessary outlet for expending natural energy, and if you train your dog correctly, he will learn to like it and anticipate his exercise with enthusiasm. I hope these top 10 tips on training your dog on a treadmill benefit you and your pet.

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Facts on Dogs Left in Hot Cars

Written by Senior Editor Peter Gehr

Facts on Dogs Left in Hot Cars

Facts on Dogs Left in Hot Cars. Photo by Evelyn Black. Please note: The dog in the photo is here as an example only and not alone in the car.

There’s always somebody who insists that leaving their dog in a car when you go shopping is no big deal, however, facts on dogs left in hot cars reveal that if the temperature outside is in the mid to late 70s, the temperature inside a vehicle can exceed over 100 within minutes.

If it’s a scorcher at around 90 outside, the inside of your car can raise to an alarming 150 to 160 in only 10 minutes.

This sort of torturous heat, and I use the word “torture” because that’s what it is, can do serious damage to your pet, and, in some cases can be fatal.

More Facts On Dogs Left In Hot Cars (Video)

If you’ve left your dog in the car for longer than you were expecting, and this is often the case, you need to provide water immediately, check your pet for any unusual behavior, and if he/she is not acting normal, then you need to act and get your pet out of the heat and sun.

Be sure not to go to the extreme by blasting cold air with the aircon, or dowsing your dog in ice water. Gradually introduce him back to a comfortable temperature and check for the following:


  • Excessive panting
  • Increased heart beat
  • Vomiting
  • Discoloration of tongue
  • Lethargic behavior

You are responsible for your pet’s safety and well-being, but the facts on dogs left in hot cars are a constant reminder that this is clearly a bad idea. Okay, so you’re only going into the store for 10 minutes, but remember, that’s all it takes to turn your car into a hot box for your dog. Winding down the window a couple of inches is not enough ventilation and can put your dog in an environment that can do permanent damage, or, end its life in a cruel death.

Unfortunately, thousands of dogs die every year due to heat stroke. Your dog should not die this way. You’re better off leaving your dog at home rather than put your pet through the grueling and uncomfortable temperatures inside your car. The best puppy post policy is to never leave your dog in a hot car.

Please pass this on to anyone you may know who has a dog, or who may need a reminder of the facts on dogs left in hot cars.

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Let’s love our dogs!

Best Puppy Top 5 Tips: How to Stop Dog Urine Marking

Written by Senior Editor Peter Gehr

A lot of people ask why dogs pee on everything, and if there’s any way this can be prevented. Before going into detail on the best puppy top 5 tips: how to stop dog urine marking, I think it’s important to explain why your dog marks his territory with his urine.

Best Puppy Top 5 Tips: How to Stop Dog Urine Marking

Best Puppy Top 5 Tips: How to Stop Dog Urine Marking

It is perfectly normal for your male dog (some females too) to mark out his boundaries as a display of dominance, territoriality, anxiety, insecurity, or possibly even a medical issue, i.e. a bladder infection or something similar—which would need to be looked at by your vet.

That said, this doesn’t mean this behavior should be accepted, in fact, in my opinion, I simply do not allow it, and my dogs learn this very quickly.

Best Puppy Top 5 Tips: How to Stop Dog Urine Marking

Martin Deeley, known around the world for his dog training expertise is also co-founder of International Association of Canine Professionals says:

As a pack leader you should be the one guiding the way and setting the pace with your head up, shoulders back, exuding confident, calm and as Cesar would say “assertive” energy. You take control and are head of the pack.

So before setting off on the actual walk take your dog into your yard or a place where you will not create neighborhood problems, and teach him the command to go to the bathroom. I say “Look Sharp” – an expression from the North of England meaning “Be Quick.” You may say, “Get busy” or use some other cute non-common word to teach him the same. Now when you set off on your walk you know he does not have to cock a leg or she does not have to squat at every smell.

Dogs do give a squirt of urine to mark their territory. Their noses provide the most important information through scent. These “social messages” received through sniffing feces or urine will often prompt a dog to over-mark that scent with his own. They claim the territory with the scent. Often this results in dogs urinating far more than they need to, and even when nothing is coming out, they will still go through the motion of cocking their legs. Even females will mark with a quick squat. Some claim that a dog will communicate so much information through the smell of the urine that it is almost a dog database as they walk through the neighborhood.

My dogs have never marked, and I have had many dogs throughout my life. If I have a dog from the time he’s a pup I do not let him mark. Not ever. I teach him to go to the bathroom on command and to eliminate completely in one or two goes. In fact some of my male dogs never cock their legs but urinate as a female would, by squatting. I have to add that because I occasionally breed them and produce a litter, they are not neutered. Now what does all this mean?

I believe it revolves around leadership. When a dog has an owner he can trust and believe in, someone who gives him what he seeks in life, who sets boundaries and limitations and provides discipline and direction, and builds good everyday habits, he look to that person for leadership.

In most instances marking occurs because of lack of training, leadership and the development of good habits. Without realizing it, owners often place their dogs in leadership positions. The dog then believes he has to establish a territory and show he is the protector of all within it. (Source of article here)

Best Puppy Top 5 Tips: How to Stop Dog Urine Marking


  1. Neuter your dog at around 6 months. Consult with your vet & don’t delay as this may result in life-long habits that would otherwise be curbed or eradicated.
  2. Train your dog. Training offers mental stimulation for your dog, and being a firm and loving leader will show your dog who is boss. This is instinctual for dogs, i.e. they are looking for leadership, and if you don’t show it, then the dog will naturally conclude that he is the boss and will take control. The result of which can be very difficult and unpleasant and even unsafe.
  3. Make a noise—a loud noise. Distracting your dog from marking can be achieved by you observing the behavior and acting quickly by making a loud noise with either a canned horn, a can with pebbles inside acting as a shaker, or simply clapping your hands along with voicing the command of your choice, such as, “No pee!” This will startle your dog, and he will quickly learn that you do not approve.
  4. Instill obedience. Incorporate a command before the following occasions: Feeding, going for a walk, before playing a game. Make him sit before doing any of the above, and make sure you have his attention. This will offer some discipline and he will relate to this as he wants to please you. Dogs are wired for following his leader, and you must learn to understand his thinking. He obeys because he feels secure and loved by you—much the same as he did when he was with his mother from birth.
  5. Resolve issues. Be sure to iron out any fears, conflicts or tensions with other pets in your home—or with people for that matter. If you have a visitor, be sure to properly introduce the dog. Let the visitor play with the dog so that they both connect and develop a non-stressful relationship from the beginning.

These best puppy top 5 tips: how to stop dog urine marking will work if you are consistent with them. The most important being that your dog expects you to lead, he’s looking for your lead, he feels secure with you as the boss, the pack leader, and if you do not represent this role to your pet, he will then feel it necessary to take control. Understand that dogs are not human, and their thought process and expectations are different. There’s a structure mechanism that he relates to and needs. If you provide this “assertive energy” as Cesar Millan describes it, then you are administering the pack leader role your puppy understands and wants in his life.