5 Best Puppy Natural Immune System Boosters for Dogs

Written by Senior Editor Peter Gehr

Just as we need to support our immune system with a balanced diet, exercise and living a stress-free lifestyle, our pets require much the same environment and input. The following 5 best puppy natural immune system boosters for dogs provide that balance. We all want what’s best for our pets, and giving them the opportunity to live a long and healthy life should be paramount.

Animals that live in the wild are active, eat fresh, and, for the most part, are not exposed to artificial foods, additives and chemicals that are often present in commercially available foods for both humans and dogs.

5 Best Puppy Natural Immune System Boosters for Dogs

5 Best Puppy Natural Immune System Boosters for Dogs

5 Best Puppy Natural Immune System Boosters for Dogs

Check this list to be sure you are providing all of the following components for a healthy life for your puppy:

The immune system is a defense against disease. The immune system can identify harmful substances like bacteria and viruses and destroy them before they have the chances to cause disease. A healthy immune system can prevent any disease – even cancer – when it is working properly.

Unfortunately immune systems can fail. Two of the common failures of a dog’s immune system are autoimmune disease and immunodeficiency.

Autoimmune disease is where the immune system turn against it’s host. It fails to recognize outside dangers from the body’s own cells. This can lead to autoimmune diseases such as arthritis in dogs.

Immunodeficiency is a inefficient immune system which fails to act when attacked by viruses or other threats. If your dog is falling prey to different diseases, chances are his immune system needs a boost!

How to keep your dog’s immune system healthy

There are steps we can take on a regular basis to make sure our dogs immune system is up to scratch. Most of these are common sense.

  1. Make sure your dog always has a clean supply of drinking water available.
  2. Let him have as much exercise as possible.
  3. Ensure his diet is as good as possible. Include a good supply of raw foods.
  4. Make sure his environment is healthy. If he is inside, make sure he (and you!) is not exposed to too much pesticide. Outside the same goes for weed killers.
  5. Give him herbs to boost his immune system. Echinacea and Astragalus for immunity and Dandelion and Mild Thistle for cleansing the liver. These are also available in C-cap capsules. (Source)

The 5 best puppy natural immune system boosters for dogs are actually quite basic in nature, and if you are not sure if your dog is getting all that he/she needs to make up this balance, there are products available to help provide these requirements. C-cap capsules help prevent dog diseases such as cancer and arthritis. The best and most important ingredient in your dog’s life is going to be you and your loving care. This alone provides a great deal of security and balance to your puppy, as you represent a pack leader—which is vital and a very natural basic need for your pet. It’s the little things in addition to that that also contribute to the well-being and long-life of your family dog. Pet Alive C-cap capsules are an antioxidant for your pet, and are easy to incorporate within meals.


Best Puppy Holistic Dog Care Tips

Written by Senior Editor Peter Gehr

Some of the best puppy holistic dog care tips are very simple. First of all, prevention is the best cure. If your dog is getting the right exercise regimen in order to keep him/her fit and stimulated by regular walks, runs and play, chances are that he/she will then be ready for a good healthy meal. If you are supplying your pet with a balanced and appropriate diet, then you are providing the best preventative medicine available for your puppy.

Best Puppy Holistic Dog Care Tips

Best Puppy Holistic Dog Care Tips

If you do not provide the exercise and diet that a dog needs and your animal becomes lazy, obese and inactive, then you have become a problem pet owner, and, frankly, you ought to be ashamed. Having said that, I feel better, but, even better yet, you can change and your pet can benefit from that change. Get off the couch and onto the street and down to the park, beach, river, field, farm, boardwalk, wherever it is that you have access and let your dog be a dog by running and playing as the energetic creature he/she was created to be.

Best Puppy Holistic Dog Care Tips

Health is more than the absence of disease. Health is a state of optimal well-being.” Optimal well-being is a concept of health that goes beyond the curing of illness to one of achieving wellness. Many of us have been brought up to believe that our health depends solely on the quality of the healthcare we receive. The truth is, your health is your responsibility. You are the only person who can make the lifestyle decisions that contribute to your well-being. You are the one who must take the steps to preserve your health and promote your wellness. Only you have the power to create wellness for yourself.

Elimination of the symptom is NOT the same as elimination of the disease. The fastest way to restore wellness is to stop putting into the body the things that have caused the physical problem to develop in the first place, and then give the body the nutrients it needs to repair and rebuild itself. The holistic approach treats the whole person, ignites the body’s internal healing force and stimulates the body’s natural abilities to heal itself. Ignite Your Body’s Internal Healing Force

Holistic dog health care is becoming a natural means for dog owners to ensure that their pets are as healthy as possible, living long, happy lives to the fullest. Perhaps the most important aspect for a dog’s health would be a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to make sure the joints, organs, and digestive systems make work in harmony as well with the skin and coat being healthy. A diet of meat, vegetables, and whole grains without any processed foods or unnecessary fillers is usually recommended when following the holistic approach to dog care.

Using a variety of essential oils, plant extracts, herbs and flowering essences, people have treated numerous ailments and conditions over the past thousands of years. As of recently, these ancient healing practices have found their way into pet care and are now becoming increasingly popular as more and more dog owners are looking for safer, healthier, and less invasive alternatives to treating their pets.

Canine herbal remedies include calendula and chamomile for treating wounds, with chamomile used to give relief for respiratory complaints as well. To help your dog to recover from constipation or bowel disorders, you can try crushed flaxseed mixed with lot of water. For dry, itchy skin, oats are as soothing to a dog’s skin as they are to a human’s, and if your pup is having trouble sleeping, smelling some lavender may help them to relax and finally fall soundly asleep.

Be sure to do your homework before using any herbal concoctions on your dog. Some herbs and flowers can be harmful or even toxic to animals or people. Also, ask your veterinarian for their input and recommendations when it comes to holistic dog health and using all-natural remedies for their care.

Today there are an increasing number of veterinarians who are putting great stock in holistic dog health, making it a large part of their practice. A Vet who uses holistic dog strategies treats animals as a whole, rather than identifying a certain problem and prescribing one type of treatment to treat that specific injury or illness.

For instance, if your dog has suddenly come down with some sort of rash on his skin causing irritation, redness, itching, a possible infection, and some fur loss, a “regular” vet might send you away with an antibiotic to treat the skin infection as well as a topical ointment to deal with the itching.

A holistic veterinarian will place more emphasis on determining the cause of the rash as the source of the infection before prescribing those two remedies. With holistic care, the dog’s indoor and outdoor environment, his daily lifestyle, eating habits and nutritional intake are all taken into consideration before attempting to diagnose or treat the animal. Click here to visit the original source of this post

The best puppy holistic dog care tips are also of benefit to you, the dog owner. Regular exercise is much the same as providing a health care system that will keep your pet alive for much longer than one that has no exercise. For example, I was with a neighbor today who has a Corgi that looks like it is about to explode. This fat and inactive dog will soon die a painful death due to inactivity and poor diet. I know you love your dog, and I know you want to give it the very best attention you can provide. However, this does not include ice cream, beer, chocolate, candy, or no exercise.

A dog is a dog and can only eat what dogs are meant to eat. Additionally, dogs are created to run, jump, play, and exercise and without this in their life, you are creating a problem that will be both expensive (vet bills) and painful (watching a dog die prematurely). Be the best dog owner you can be by providing the best life you can offer which includes applying the very basics of best puppy holistic dog care tips. And, as stated in the beginning of this article, let that begin with regular exercise and a healthy diet.

Best Puppy Top Tips and Treatments for Dog Bite Wounds

Written by Senior Editor Peter Gehr

We’re often talking about what to do if you are bitten by a dog, but I’m going to address the issue of when your dog is bitten by another dog, or cat. One of the most typical aspects of owning a pet is caring for your animal. These best puppy top tips and treatments for dog bite wounds to help ensure that you have enough practical tips under your belt to deal with minor emergencies. The best puppy dog treatments for home care can be performed at without the help of your vet, as long as you follow some basic guidelines on what to do, and how to continue doing it to make sure the wound heals properly and without infection.

Of course, if the wound is serious and is beyond your ability to take care of, then it would be advisable to get medical attention as soon as possible. Veterinary services can be expensive, and you don’t necessarily have to run to the vet every time your dog sneezes, but if you are faced with a serious injury do not hesitate to avail yourself of professional help.

Trying to cope with a serious injury my lead to complications with dire consequences and long-term or fatal repercussions for your dog. It’s almost inevitable that your dog will encounter another dog that may end up in a fight, or biting each other, and this is something that, as a dog owner, you can be prepared for with some advice.

Best Puppy Top Tips and Treatments for Dog Bite Wounds

5 Top Tips and Treatments for Dog Bite Wounds

5 Top Tips and Treatments for Dog Bite Wounds

There are steps you can take if your dog is bitten that can dramatically decrease the risk of complications:

1. How to Control Dog Bleeding from Bite Wound

Control any bleeding by applying a clean towel or washcloth to the wound and apply firm pressure. Dog bites tend to bleed more than cat bites and it also depends where the bite wound is located. Wounds in the highly vascular ear and nose tend to bleed a lot while legs and trunk may not bleed much.

2. Have a Vet Evaluate Dog Bite Wound

Seek immediate veterinary attention to evaluate the wound. Your vet will look to see how deep it is, judge how much dead space is involved and make recommendations for treatment. Dead space is created when the skin is pulled away from the underlying subcutaneous tissue creating a pocket of air between the skin and the underlying tissue. If the space is large, bacteria tend to grow creating an abscess. Typically one of two things will happen, your vet will clean the wound and prescribe antibiotics or if the wound is deep it may need a surgical drain.

3. How to Clean a Superficial Dog Wound

If the wound is superficial, it is cleaned by applying a small amount of KY jelly into the wound and clipping the fur around the wound. Clipping the fur makes it easy to clean the wound and prevents bacteria on the fur from contaminating the wound. The KY jelly keeps the clipped hairs out of the wound and is simply wiped off with a washcloth after clipping. The wound is then thoroughly cleaned with a chlorhexidene or betadine solution.

4. Home care for Dog Wound

Home care involves cleaning the wound gently with hydrogen peroxide moistened gauze three or four times a day and then applying a small amount of a triple antibiotic ointment such as Neosporin to the wound. It is important to monitor the wound for the three signs of infection which are: excessive redness, swelling or purulent discharge. If you notice any signs of infection then a re-check with your veterinarian is needed.


With timely veterinary treatment and good nursing care at home most bite wounds will heal with little complications. (Full story here)

These best puppy top tips and treatments for dog bite wounds offer a general course of action to assist you in nursing an injured dog back to health. Practical and informed steps should always be measured by severity of the wound, and the best puppy care advice I could offer is to be sure that you have considered whether or not you can deal with it at home, or if it’s time to consult with your vet in order to get the best counsel and guidance in regards to the wound. This is a case of “when in doubt, do.” In other words, if you cannot ascertain the severity of a wound, then chances are you are not qualified enough to make the call, and it’s time to get moving and get the right advice.


Spay or Neuter Benefits: Top 10 Behavior Facts and Reasons Why

Written by Senior Editor Peter Gehr

The growing awareness of the spay or neuter benefits: top 10 behavior facts and reasons why to comply is helping pet owners come forward and take care of the needed procedure to bring about the reduction of homeless or unwanted animals in our communities.

This is an easy process, and the animal is doctored with care and the time spent recuperating is minimal, but comes with maximum benefits for everyone in the long run. There are budget sensitive programs made available and affordable surgeries have been set up in most states across the country. In fact, the ASPCA offer a mobile clinic which is often free or very lost cost.

I’m providing the link to this information for your easy reference:

ASPCA Spay or Neuter Provider Database

Spay or Neuter Benefits: Top 10 Behavior Facts and Reasons Why

If you need more persuasion, please read the top 10 benefits and facts to spay or neuter your dog below:

Spay or Neuter Benefits: Top 10 Behavior Facts and Reasons Why

Spay or Neuter Benefits: Top 10 Behavior Facts and Reasons Why

1. Your female pet will live a longer, healthier life.

Spaying helps prevent uterine infections and breast cancer, which is fatal in about 50 percent of dogs and 90 percent of cats. Spaying your pet before her first heat offers the best protection from these diseases.


2. Neutering provides major health benefits for your male.

Besides preventing unwanted litters, neutering your male companion prevents testicular cancer, if done before six months of age.


3. Your spayed female won’t go into heat.

While cycles can vary, female felines usually go into heat four to five days every three weeks during breeding season. In an effort to advertise for mates, they’ll yowl and urinate more frequently—sometimes all over the house!


4. Your male dog won’t want to roam away from home.

An intact male will do just about anything to find a mate! That includes digging his way under the fence and making like Houdini to escape from the house. And once he’s free to roam, he risks injury in traffic and fights with other males.


5. Your neutered male will be much better behaved.

Neutered cats and dogs focus their attention on their human families. On the other hand, unneutered dogs and cats may mark their territory by spraying strong-smelling urine all over the house. Many aggression problems can be avoided by early neutering.


6. Spaying or neutering will NOT make your pet fat.

Don’t use that old excuse! Lack of exercise and overfeeding will cause your pet to pack on the extra pounds—not neutering. Your pet will remain fit and trim as long as you continue to provide exercise and monitor food intake.


7. It is highly cost-effective.

The cost of your pet’s spay/neuter surgery is a lot less than the cost of having and caring for a litter. It also beats the cost of treatment when your unneutered tom escapes and gets into fights with the neighborhood stray!


8. Spaying and neutering your pet is good for the community.

Stray animals pose a real problem in many parts of the country. They can prey on wildlife, cause car accidents, damage the local fauna and frighten children. Spaying and neutering packs a powerful punch in reducing the number of animals on the streets.


9. Your pet doesn’t need to have a litter for your children to learn about the miracle of birth.

Letting your pet produce offspring you have no intention of keeping is not a good lesson for your children—especially when so many unwanted animals end up in shelters. There are tons of books and videos available to teach your children about birth in a more responsible way.


10. Spaying and neutering helps fight pet overpopulation.

Every year, millions of cats and dogs of all ages and breeds are euthanized or suffer as strays. These high numbers are the result of unplanned litters that could have been prevented by spaying or neutering. (Original article here)

Spay or neuter benefits: top 10 behavior facts and reasons why should be clear by now. The overpopulation of animal shelters is a growing concern in almost every community, and the plain and simple facts that each shelter are faced with on a daily basis results in unthinkable amounts of pets being euthanized. Please respond by taking action if you haven’t already, and play your part in helping to reduce the sad end of animals that could have otherwise lived a loved and long life.

Best Puppy Spay or Neuter Information for Your New Pet

Written by Senior Editor Peter Gehr

The best puppy spay or neuter information for your new pet comes with a passionate plea to take action to avoid the following complications: disputes with neighbors, unexpected breeding, wandering male dogs, homeless pets, and over-crowded animal shelters. These are just a few of the problems stemming from ignoring the procedures required to keep your dog from any of the above. Some may argue that it’s not natural, but I’ll stop that argument right there by suggesting you visit your nearest animal shelter and talk to the staff whose grizzly task is to euthanize homeless “natural” dogs every day.

Best Puppy Spay or Neuter Information for Your New Pet

Best Puppy Spay or Neuter Information for Your New Pet

There are assistance programs available for those who cannot afford to spay or neuter their pets, and with minimal effort the outcome can be achieved with little fuss. Most animal shelters across the country provide information on how to tap into these resources if needed.

Best Puppy Spay or Neuter Information for Your New Pet

This article from the Marrieta Times sums it up my sentiments:

Our pets provide unconditional love day in and day out, so it’s only right that they deserve our attention.

Any pet owner must take responsibility for their animals by offering a safe and warm home, food and water and daily exercise.

Dogs and cats require much time, commitment and even money, but beyond the duties of food, water, care, companionship and exercise, pet owners must realize they can add to the pet overpopulation problem by not spaying or neutering their furry friends.

With the growing numbers in pet ownership – some 74.8 million dogs are owned in the United States, while almost 90 million cats belong to someone – thankfully, many veterinarians and volunteers throughout the United States know the importance of spaying and neutering, and Spay Day USA, a Doris Day Animal Foundation national campaign, was created.

Pet owners who neglect their dogs and cats by letting them run loose and refusing to have the animals spayed or neutered are a burden on their communities through the overcrowding of streets and neighborhoods and, ultimately, shelters with helpless, homeless animals.

Statistics show that two unaltered cats and all their descendents can theoretically number 420,000 in just seven years, while two unaltered dogs and all their descendents can theoretically number 67,000 in six years, according to information provided by the Humane Society of the United States.

Anyone visiting area dog pounds and animal shelters knows the many unwanted pets waiting to be adopted. Statistics have proven that most of these animals won’t go to a new home and will be put down, as an estimated 5 million cats and dogs are killed in shelters every year.

Unfortunately, some pet owners are reluctant to spay or neuter their animals, but animals as young as 6 months old can safely undergo the procedures, according to any veterinarian.

For pet owners who cannot afford to have their animals spayed or neutered, many shelters will provide financial assistance for the surgery. Help is only a phone call away. Remember, it’s a pet owner’s responsibility to help reduce the number of homeless animals – period. Click here to visit the original source of this post

The best puppy spay or neuter information for your new pet is to consult with your local veterinarian to schedule a time for your dog to get “fixed” so that he/she is not going to contribute to the pandemic of homeless pets. The statistics above are alarming as to how much breeding can go one in six years with just two unaltered dogs. This should be enough to step up to the plate and make the effort to comply and to do the right thing for your dog, your family, and the greater community.

Canine Arthritis Symptoms and Treatment to Help Your Dog

Written by Senior Editor Peter Gehr

If you’ve ever wondered about canine arthritis symptoms and treatment to help your dog, this article will give you 7 tips on how to recognize and identify the tell tale signs, as well as point out the possible treatments to consider for your pet. It should go without saying, but if you think that your dog is suffering from arthritis it is important to see your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Canine Arthritis Symptoms and Treatment to Help Your Dog

Canine Arthritis Symptoms and Treatment to Help Your Dog

It’s always a good practice when you are relaxing with your dog to spend some time inspecting the health of your pet’s joints for any signs of fatigue, or soreness. This can be done at any time, but it’s especially an opportune time to do it when your dog is in a calm and relaxed position. Gently checking each joint and foot by applying a small amount of pressure (carefully) to make sure that there’s no swelling or pain.

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of joint condition in dogs, but there are measures that can be taken and early detection is certainly going to be an advantage to the treatment process.

Canine Arthritis Symptoms and Treatment to Help Your Dog

So what exactly is canine arthritis, and how similar is it to the human condition?

Much like the human equivalent, canine and feline arthritis is a degenerative joint disease that can affect as many as one in five dogs and a similar amount of cats. The most common form of canine or feline arthritis is Osteoarthritis which is characterized by the progressive deterioration of joint cartridge. The continual breakdown of cartilage will eventually lead to rubbing bones which results in heightened joint pain and stiffness.

Is my dog at risk?

Though not all pets will experience arthritis, the disease itself does not discriminate based on age, breed or gender and can affect both cats and dog at any time during their life. Cats and dogs that are older, over-weight, inactive or have prior injuries may be at a higher risk for arthritis

Signs and Symptoms

If your dog is experiencing any of the following, it could be a sign that he or she may have arthritis

  1. Weight gain
  2. Unwilling/Unable to walk, run or jump up stairs
  3. Swelling around the joints
  4. Loss of appetite
  5. Listlessness/Depression
  6. Irritability
  7. Favoring one or side or a specific limb


After consulting your vet, you may be advised to utilize one or more of the following treatment methods:

  • Over-the-counter treatments
  • Medications or foods that contain Omega fatty acids, glucosamine or chondritin sulfate have been shown to assist in arthritis pain relief as well as decrease the speed at which the disease progresses.
  • Prescription Arthritis Relief
  • Some pets may require more than an over the counter treatment. Should your pet need more than an over the counter treatment, you veterinarian will work with you to determine the best drug treatment to help relieve and reduce the symptoms of arthritis.

Healthy Diet and Exercise

Weight gain can be both a cause and a symptom of pet arthritis and therefore exercise and a healthy diet can help your pet reach an ideal weight while minimizing stress on the joints. Exercise in moderation can also keep joints from becoming stiff from lack of use. Be careful not to over exert your dog, as this can cause adverse effects. Click here to visit the original source of this post

Canine arthritis symptoms and treatment to help your dog must be viewed carefully and practically. See what you can do to prevent such an issue, or perhaps you have a dog breed that is prone to the problem, in any case, a good healthy diet and regular exercise are going to play a major role in keeping your dog in shape. Dogs need exercise and were not designed to sit around on the couch all day. Running, jumping, socializing with other dogs, exerting pent up energy, playing outside and fetching are what your dog needs for well-being and mental stimulation. Remember, the life of a dog is comparatively short and it’s our responsibility to give our pets the best life we can provide. Be a good pet owner, no, be a great pet owner by giving your canine all that he/she needs for a great life.

What the American Veterinary Medical Association Says About Dog Flu

Written by Senior Editor Peter Gehr

What the American Veterinary Medical Association Says About Dog Flu

What the American Veterinary Medical Association Says About Dog Flu

What the American Veterinary Medical Association says about dog flu. According to the AVMA, “it’s really based on the benefit-risk to a particular dog.” In other words, if your dog is very social and spends a lot of time with other animals, boarding facilities, kennels, group obedience training sessions, then it may be a good idea to vaccinate.

Dog flu can spread very quickly amongst other dogs, so to avoid such infection consult with your vet for their expert advice and the options available.

What the American Veterinary Medical Association Says About Dog Flu

“Dogs have no natural immunity to influenza whatsoever,” said Thomas Burns, veterinarian with Veterinary Associates of Cape Cod in South Yarmouth.

“All it takes is one dog in a kennel” to get sick to cause an outbreak, said veterinarian Claire Sharp, an assistant professor at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University.

The virus has been reported in Massachusetts in companion animals and in greyhounds in 2005, she said.

According to media reports, the animal virus also has broken out in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Colorado and Texas.

Flu symptoms in dogs are similar to those of a head cold in people. Fido may cough, sneeze, run a low-grade fever and experience discharge around the nose and eyes.

“For most dogs it’s a very mild disease,” Burns said.

The risk of an outbreak is too high for Cape Cod Farm Kennels, which can board up to 80 dogs at a time, McMorrow said.

Dogs start “shedding” the virus before they show symptoms, she said, which increases the risk of dog owners taking infected canines to places where other dogs congregate.

Pet groomers and other animal handlers also can pass along the virus on their clothing, Sharp said.

“The virus actually can live on our clothes,” she said. “It can live for a couple of days on inanimate objects.”

Approximately 5 to 8 percent of dogs exposed to the virus will die, Sharp said.

The relatively low mortality rate means the vaccine “wouldn’t be warranted for all dogs,” said Lynne White-Shim, a veterinarian and assistant director with the division of scientific activities at the American Veterinary Medical Association in Schaumburg, Ill.

“It’s really based on the benefit-risk to a particular dog,” she said.

For dogs that spend time near other dogs in kennels, doggie day care and socialize heavily at dog parks the vaccine would be a “good idea,” Burns said.

Veterinarians say they are not aware of any outbreaks of H3N8 on the Cape. Click here to visit the original source of this post

What the American Veterinary Medical Association says about dog flu is to basically take the precaution of immunization if your dog regularly spends a lot of time with other dogs. You should take the advice of your local vet who knows your pet and any possible risks you may need to consider. Again, it’s that “benefit-risk” factor that should be part of your decision-making. Keeping your dog healthy by giving him all the right foods, exercise and fresh water will keep his immune system optimized. However, do keep in mind that your dog has no natural immunity against influenza.

Dog Overweight Health Problems: Prevention and Solutions

Written by Senior Editor Peter Gehr

Did you know that over half the dog population in the United States are clinically obese? This is most often a result of poor diet and lack of exercise. Dog overweight health problems: prevention and solutions are based on common sense, but in a lot of cases, it’s a matter of complete reeducation and lifestyle change. Even though pet owners are well-meaning, and love their dogs and want them to be happy and let them eat whatever they want to eat, sadly, this can often lead to a shortened life in addition to hefty vet bills as you try to nurse the pudgy pooch in its declining health.

Remember this: your dog is a dog, and not a human. Your dogs internal organs and processing systems and tolerances are totally different from that of a human being.

Of course, it’s so easy to spoil our pets, much the same as you want to spoil your kids, but getting back to the pith of the matter, human food is often totally unsuitable for pet consumption. Ice cream, sugar, chocolate, beer, avocado, tea and coffee, the list goes on. I’m sure that even from my short list here, you may be guilty of feeding at least one of these items, right?

Dog Overweight Health Problems: Prevention and Solutions

EL PASO- New research says that 55% of dogs and 54% of cats in the U.S. are obese or overweight according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention.

It seems like we might be giving our pets too many treats and not enough exercise. Bottom line is pets are battling excess weight and it can lead to serious health problems.

So how can you as a pet owner get your pet to lose that weight and eat better? Pet owners might treat cats and dogs like part of the family.

According to the American Pet Products Association, we spend on our pets just as if they were a member of the family too.

Pet experts say obesity is one of the biggest reasons for those rising vet bills. So how can you tell if you pet needs to lose a few? “I usually tell my clients it really doesn’t matter what the number is it matters whether they meet these three criteria in my mind, so as long as you can feel the ribs without having to dig into them, um you can have an hour glass figure from the last rib to the hip when you’re looking down on them and tucked in tummy,” says Vet Annette Davis.

Many owners think that by overfeeding and giving treats, they’re showing their pet love. But experts say the truth is you could be shortening their lives. Pets are susceptible to diseases just like we are.”Pets can get Diabetes and Pancreatic and Liver Disease and Kidney Disease and Heart Disease and all of those are made worse or brought on because of obesity.”

Starting a healthy lifestyle when the pets are young is so important. “Think that’s a perfect way to start your puppy so whenever they get older they’re already stronger and know what to do,” said Abraham Rocha. Abraham and his mom just got their puppy Bella a month ago. They say they only feed the dog twice a day and walk her twice a week.

Doctor Davis says everything in moderation is key. “Maintain a good diet, you know food that is dog food, not table food, not a whole lotta treats, a good exercise program.” Click here to visit the original source of this post

Dog overweight health problems: Prevention and solutions should be implemented immediately if it’s obvious that your dog is obese. Consult your vet and come up with a feeding and exercise regimen that will help your dog trim down to be normal again. This is going to take effort and persistence to the plan. A dog’s life is short enough as it is, so give them the opportunity to live a healthy and happy life by providing your pet with a balanced and species appropriate lifestyle.

Sudden Dog Behavior Changes May Mean Health Issues

Written by Senior Editor Peter Gehr

Sudden Dog Behavior Changes May Mean Health Issues

Sudden Dog Behavior Changes May Mean Health Issues

Sudden dog behavior changes may mean health issues are present in your puppy. Of course, every time your pet acts abnormally it doesn’t always mean that there’s anything wrong at all, but the point of this article is to help you be aware and to keep track of any early warning signs that may be revealing themselves.

Dogs, and especially puppies are developing and learning all the time, and they are often experimenting with their bodies as to how fast they can run, how quick they can turn, how much they can eat, and a myriad of other developmental behavior that you will notice from the day your puppy enters your home—not to mention the funny antics and hilarious games they play.

Sudden Dog Behavior Changes May Mean Health Issues

Martin Deeley, a dog training expert expounds on some important points:

When you feel under the weather or have a disease of any nature, other people notice it. Your behavior, attitude, body language, and facial expressions change. Your friends may tell you, “You are not your usual self.” You may feel nervous in certain situations, irritable even aggressive and you may also make mistakes that you would not normally make. Plus, other behaviors can emerge that you have never had before. This can be the same for your dog.

Let’s look at some of the potential medical issues that could be causing your dog’s behavior problems:

Your dog could encounter hormonal imbalance and an increase in thyroid abnormalities for some dog breeds. With today’s technology, we do have the advantage of being able to identify these abnormalities much more easily and conveniently. Fearfulness, aggression, and altered brain function are some of the symptoms of hypothyroid disease. I personally had a young pup that tested normal, but she was continuously losing her fur and was not acting as I expected. A discussion with a good friend, who is also an excellent nutritionalist and has vast experience both in training, behavior and physical causes of bad behavior, advised me to change my dogs diet and to ask my vet if he would consider a low dose thyroid medication. You could also ask your vet to expand the thyroid panel, before attempting thyroid drug trial. (Such a trial can have hyperthyroid effects if there really is normal thyroid function). My vet agreed and recommended a low dose, which improved my dog’s condition dramatically over two weeks.

Parasites can create internal disorders and these are often the prime cause of behavior changes. Therefore regular worming for parasites is essential, especially heartworm. It has not been uncommon for me to notice a client’s dog has tapeworm when they come in for Board and Train. The owners did not realize there was an infestation because either they had not made an effort to pick up the feces immediately, or the dog had defecated in bushes where they never saw it.

Tapeworm is more easily identified. It shows mainly first thing in the morning where it can be seen quite clearly as what looks like moving white rice grains in the feces. Some breeds can experience chronic bowel syndrome, pancreatitis and have food allergies. In fact, we are seeing more allergies that create skin problems and internal disorders more today than ever before. The discomfort can initiate unpleasant behaviors.

Heart problems, bacterial and viral diseases, and stress can also play a part in affecting a dogs behavior. Pain and discomfort is probably the most common reason for unwanted behavior. I started off by saying we do not behave as we normally would when we are feeling ‘under the weather’ or in pain, and your dog is no different. (Original story here)

Sudden dog behavior changes may mean health issues, so it’s a good idea to keep an eye on them if repeated or uncharacteristic behavior continues. No need to run to the vet every time your puppy hiccups, but if an active puppy is acting lethargic, or a passive puppy acts aggressive for no apparent reason, these may be signs of problems that you need to address. A dog cannot tell you he is sick in words, but he can certainly tell you by his actions.


Dog Obesity Health Problems: Best Puppy Weight Loss

Written by Senior Editor Peter Gehr

Dog Obesity Health Problems: Best Puppy Weight Loss

Dog Obesity Health Problems: Best Puppy Weight Loss

Dog obesity health problems: best puppy weight loss programs are available, and with the growing problem with overweight dogs, it’s time a fresh look is taken at pet care.

With the rise of human obesity, pet obesity is also a serious issue. Pets need exercise just as people do, and one of the best ways of getting that movement and agility going forward is to do it with your puppy.

In order to address these issues, it can be a delicate subject for some, but it’s time to get off the couch and take your dog for a walk, no, a run—and do it regularly.

Dog Obesity Health Problems: Best Puppy Weight Loss

Let’s take a look at these tips from Shelly Greenfield:

If you are active, you are likely to have activity time with your pet, which leads to similar patterns in weight management. Recently, Purina and Jenny Craig joined together in a project called “Project Pet Slim Down.” As the website says, “if you and your pet are both looking to get to a healthy weight, you can be each other’s strongest allies.”

This weight loss journey comes with exercise and eating tips for your dog, and a 30-day support program for you from Jenny Craig, as long as you buy food through the program.

The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP) estimates that 55 percent of dogs and 54 percent of cats in the United States are obese or overweight.

The bottom line is that pets are battling excess weight just like their owners, and the goal of this program is to help pet owners care for themselves and their pets through better diet, exercise and lifestyle strategies.

I’ve lost count of the times I’ve seen an overweight dog on the end of a leash. This unhealthy standard only shortens the life of the pet, and leads to health complications that can be painful for the dog and painful for the pet owner and family. This can be remedied by adjusting lifestyles choices for the betterment of both parties.

Obesity is associated with a variety of medical disorders and orthopedic problems for humans and dogs alike. Obesity treatments for humans that include behavioral interventions in conjunction with dietary changes and increased physical activity achieve a higher success rate over time.

The success rates for dogs are determined by behavioral changes in the owner. The same is true for overweight children; family environment shapes attitudes about food preferences and may lead to overeating and sedentary lifestyles.

Getting things moving can be as easy as taking a walk with your pooch. Vary up the route each time by taking in some hills if you can.

If you want to do more of a jog, begin with run-walk intervals to challenge yourself. This is a great way to ease into running, for both you and your dog. Change up the scenery with some hiking and you have built in agility training for your pooch.

When I get my workout in at the gym, my pooch and I play a lot of fetch with a tennis ball. It challenges her quick reflexes when I surprise her with a direction change, and she‘s off on a sprint.

It’s also great when I am in a time pinch; a few rounds of fetch and it gets her running hard for some great intervals.

If you live or spend weekends near a lake in the summer, swimming is a great workout. My dog is leanest in the summer because of swimming. If I’m training for a triathlon, frequently she joins me in the lake swim. Otherwise, simply chasing her stick in the water can be a fun retrieval game.

You can play fetch, and while your dog is retrieving, you can do pushups, squats, sit-ups, jump lunges, etc. Sometimes when I throw my dog’s ball and race her to it, I think she wonders what I’m doing.

Variety is fun, keeps things interesting, and good for both of you. Click here to visit the original source of this post

Dog obesity health problems: best puppy weight loss can be achieved by regularity and consistency. Both you and your dog will feel the better for it, and getting back to a healthy and active lifestyle will improve the quality of life for both pet owner and pet.

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